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A Drug To Remember – Justin Steele

A Drug To Remember – Justin Steele

I would like to raise awareness among people, and attract the government’s attention. I suffered a rare syndrome Cannabinoid Hypermesis (please google). 2 years I was stuck in a bath trying to quit, contacting government drug and alcohol agencies well anyone I knew to get this banned from sales in shops. The drug I mistakenly used, was the only drug that I hated but I couldn’t stop. The effect on you isn’t right, especially compared to other drugs. People mistakenly think its like marijuana, but it’s nothing like and feels 1000 times stronger. People will be dying from this, it will never be noticed by an autopsy (who looks). Even suicide, I have been suicidal and so has everyone I know that’s used longer than a 3 year period. This was wrote raw. If I stop one person making the mistake, I’m happy.

“Awareness Is The Medicine Of Ignorance” – Julian A. Cook

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