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5 Video Game Stereotypes Debunked

5 Video Game Stereotypes Debunked

5 Video Game Stereotypes Debunked

Don’t play video games all day, it will rot your brain. Video games lead to violence. Video games are bad. These are just some of the phrases that all gamers have heard in their childhood no matter which era you were born in. It was the same in the 80s and even more in 90s and 2000s. Although things have changed a lot since the dark ages of gaming, we find that this perception still exists in some part of the society. So, we have decided that it is time to debunk some of the greatest stereotypes about gamers.

Let us start with the greatest myth of all: Gamers are Antisocial. Where do these people get these ideas? After all, we only want to stay at our computers and play games all day without actually interacting with our families. Hmmm, that isn’t really debunking the myth, is it? Jokes apart, there are very few of these gamers left. It may have been true at one point in the gaming life. But, nowadays gaming is all about being social. You cannot level your wizard to level 90 alone in WOW, you need a group of people who can work with you day and night, in addition to some gear from G2A. And more likely than not, they are likely to be best friends from school.

We have statistics to prove our point. This is going to get disbelief from some people, but 87% of gamers have 3 or more close friends. Dramatic Pause!! And most of them are likely to be found at a party on Saturday night. It may be a LAN party, but it is a party nonetheless. As Americans, it is our solemn duty not to judge anyone based on their parties.

Want to see the rest of 4 myths debunked; just move over to the infographic, for we are well aware that people have short a attention span for wordy content.