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Dallas Male Rapper (Dphillgood) Wears Lipstick And Thights But Is Not Gay

Dallas Male Rapper (Dphillgood) Wears Lipstick And Thights But Is Not Gay

What Do You Think Of This New Fashion Trend That Is Starting?


  1. I think this is one of the most ridiculous things that a So Called Black Man can think of to do! Why on earth are we allowing people to poison our youth with such buffoonery? No Real Man is his right mind would think they are 40% female! His so called girlfriend is just as looney to admit to sharing lipstick. Guys are taking this crap way too far, and females are taking the desperate man shortage too far as well. I believe this person is gay without a doubt! It is time we do something about this mess, it’s too far out of control!

  2. I don’t get how this is a problem… I get it… He wants people to re-think what society has molded us to think and do.

  3. Not my thing,but I’m all for people expressing themselves in a still close minded society. Good for him.

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